What Is The Best Barbell To Use At Home?


Barbells are a key ingredient in a lot of weight lifting activities. Smaller barbells are perfect for isolating upper body muscle groups such as biceps and triceps while longer barbells are great for compound movements such as squats and deadlifts. To help you decide what training barbell you need, we’ve got the lowdown on the different types right here.

Upper Body Barbells

Some barbells are better to target muscles located above your waist. You may want to get a standard barbell and complete reverse curls to make your wrists and forearms stronger, or you may use them to complete bicep curls. Some people find the straight bar uncomfortable on their wrists and prefer a specifically designed curl bar which angles your wrists to avoid discomfort. You can even get a specific barbell for triceps exercises or a combination barbell that has been designed to help with bicep curls, triceps exercises and shoulder exercises.

Full-Body And Lower Body Barbells

When squatting and deadlifting you’ll need a longer bar. This is because our legs tend to be a lot stronger than the smaller muscle groups in our upper body. You can find these longer bars with different grips, weights, lengths and materials. Some are more durable than others and some are made to help with technique. The best barbell for your home gym will depend on your skill and experience level. Always do your research and look for one that you feel comfortable and confident with.

Want More Than One Barbell?

If you have the space, you may want to buy more than one barbell to tackle different types of exercises and muscles. In these cases, you’re going to need a way to keep your barbells and weighted plates secured and safe. Check out our storage racks to add those all-important finishing touches to your gym.

Discover Even More Barbells

View our full range of quality barbells online. We have lots of barbells to choose from and contact us at your earliest convenience if you have any related questions!